28 November 2006

Greatly Encouraged by a Wonderful God

Last year I regularly met with two of my students, Juan and Carlos. We began meeting together as a punishment for Carlos, but it quickly turned into a time of great discussions and friendship. This year they are seniors and I consider both of them natural leaders with a great deal of potential to do great things for Christ. They are the cool guys. I have prayed for them regularly for almost a year. This school year, although Carlos is finishing his high school education at another school, they have asked me if we can continue to meet together. I am very thankful and honored by their request and I have been praying that God will use it greatly in their lives. Juan has continued at Blas Pascal this year and several weeks ago he and told the principal of the school that he has committed his life to Christ. Shortly after, he came and told me and my heart rejoiced. I am so encouraged by God’s power to change people’s hearts. It is wonderful to see Him at work. It is also wonderful to see the school and other ministries being used by God and to see the fruits. So often God uses us in so many more ways than we will ever know this side of Heaven, but He gives us just enough of a view of His glory and work to keep us encouraged. He is amazing and I have grown to love Him even more.

Please continue to pray with us for the various ministries here. Julie and I want to be used by God in ways completely disproportionate to our talents or abilities. Only God can do that and we are joyfully encouraged by His work here in Merida. Also, please pray specifically for Carlos. He is the one in the picture with me. I am hoping that God will use Juan, or any of the thousands of ways that He has, to bring him to saving faith in Christ. All for His glory and our joy!